Ms. Dominique

Ms. Dominique
Ms. Dominique

Monday, April 8, 2013

Ms. Dominique tweets: On Writing and Baths

Spiritual Advice in the manner of Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Eat, Pray, Love

“My writing rituals & practice have taught me that the most important thing to being creative is Cleanliness. It's not necessarily the same as that Godliness thing, but close. Maybe it’s because focusing on all this Discipline and Hard Work can become a prison for the Creative soul. But really these ideas are just like wash rags. And once these ‘wash rags’ are dirty, dirty, dirty wash rags—well, they have become just another thing for you to be anxious about, and they've lost all their appeal. 

“Take the ‘Bath Sponge’ for example. I try to be limber with it and soft with it. Some days I can be very, very hard with it. And some days it’s like I can’t live without it. And if I catch a week going by where I don't sit down & rest — even for at least ten minutes — in silence and do what they call ‘taking a bath’ … well, yes, that’s bad … yeah, I think the scented oil in a ‘Bath Sponge’ is, well essential to my skin’s happiness … I think it’s something they invented in India about forty years ago. I think maybe that skinny old Indian guy Gandhi came up with it, just to take his mind off of all that fisting and stuff.
Then I'll say, ‘Okay Self, we’ve gone a little too long here. We need another long, hot bath.’ Something else has to be cut out today, because this ‘bath stuff’ is essential to my well-being. 

“So feel free to cut in line at the so-called ‘Bath House.’ You deserve it. And do it before they have to scrape the holiness off you with a knife.”

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