Ms. Dominique

Ms. Dominique
Ms. Dominique

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Spiritual Advice in the manner of Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Eat, Pray, Love”

Ms. Dominique says:

"I have some new policies toward life, like I will not hit the gas when I see a yellow light. I only do that now for pregnant women. They don’t move so fast. Them, and old men in those slow electric wheelchairs. After all, that’s 25 points. 

"But I am trying to change. And now I'll say “no” to things that I used to instinctively say “yes” to. No, really I do. Like when I get an invitation to a boring society party. I already know most of these people, and they are booooring! No, really, I’m joking. I know that they are wonderful people, but I also know it will make me even more stressed the next day. It's like protecting this wonderful little lit match that I struck in India. And I feel my goal in life now is to cup my hand around it and make sure that the blowing winds of, you know, stuff – like capitalism and industrialism and competition – that this stuff doesn't blow it out."

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