Ms. Dominique

Ms. Dominique
Ms. Dominique

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

On Writing

Ms. Dominique:

“The minute I'm finished with reading a book, I pass it on. I like to see my books circling around, round and round, as they approach closer and closer to the open maw of the universe, getting probed, handled and dropped in the bathtub and (even sometimes) marked up with exclamation points!!!!!! 

“The more I like a book, the less likely it is that I'll keep it. I’m kind of the same way with men. Unless it has a really pretty cover, it’s gone. Or I might keep it if it is an expensive coffee table book. Or a very thin Art book, mounted in a frame with hook attached so I can hang it on the wall. There’s nothing like a well-hung book.”

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